A review by nickym96
Blind Faith by Rebecca Zanetti


We're getting down to the wire with these brothers. Time is running short for them to get those death chips disabled and they now have proof that baby brother Jory is alive. Their little family is growing, now with Audrey, Nate Jr in utero, and Grandpop Jim. And the Commander may or may not be dead. I'm guessing not.

This book was kind of wild. Like with the other books, A LOT happened. It's more than just the brothers going up against the organization that created them and wants them back. Each book has a separate threat that the brothers need to handle. In this book, it's Nate's turn to risk it all for love.

Nate is second in line, Matt being the oldest. And while the boys were growing up, Matt was the hard one who trained them as if their lives depended on it. Nate was the one who wanted to make sure Shane and Jory knew what a real family felt like. So now, all he wants is their happiness and survival. He has no hope for his own future. Because he heart was broken in the past. But at the end of book 2, Nate learns that his ex Audrey was pregnant. He tracks her down to find out what happened to the baby. And that's how book 3 starts. But when Nate finds Audrey, he finds that she's involved deeply with the Commander and can't understand why. He also can't understand why he still wants her so badly. Nate and Audrey have to deal with their feelings that never ended. They have to work together and learn to trust. And eventually come to realize that they can't be without each other.

Too many things happened to recap them all. But it was action packed the whole way through. Nate and Audrey were bittersweet, but once their reunion eventually leads to good things. She gives Nate a reason to keep fighting and to keep living. And now we head to book 4 to see how this all ends.