A review by maudd
Hard Fall by Sara Ney


Buzz is the book boyfriend I hadn’t expected… But now he is my soulmate *swoon*

When I was reading Hard Pass, I liked Buzz, I thought he was funny and cutely annoying, but I couldn’t imagine an epic love story for him, I was seeing him as too much of a goof or a flirt. How wrong was I…. Trace (aka Buzz) is the ultimate romantic! He is so darn cute and sensitive while being HILARIOUS, you could make a joke book with only the nicknames he gives to Hollis, but the funniest thing is not what he says, but what he does (read the book and you’ll get it). Hollis… She is so sassy but so sweet at the same time, she is a book lover and Trace knows exactly what to do to win the heart of this junior publisher.

When I first read their “meet-cute” (that was sarcastic FYI), I had no idea that their story was actually going to be pretty darn cute! I think that what I love the most in Sara Ney’s books is how naturally the love story develops. There is no big revelation or the characters do not magically change for the best, they are just who they are and they fall in love (and let me tell you, Trace does not change one bit from the first page of the book to the last, you just learn so much about this big goof).

For people who adore drama in romance, you might be disappointed. For the others who are OBSESSED with Sara Ney’s low drama books? You’ve just found your next favourite read. I absolutely hate drama, I believe some books would be so much better without it, so you can only imagine how much I love all of Sara Ney’s romance stories.

For a tiny bit of criticism, as for Hard Pass, it was way too short! Sara?! How can you do this to us? I needed at least 200 more pages of Trace and Hollis!

Therefore, if you are looking for a story that will melt your heart and your panties… Hard Fall and Trace Wallace are made for you!

*ARC reveived in exchange for an honest review*