A review by nikki1211
Seasons of the Moon by Julien Aranda


I received a copy of this book from NetGalley for my honest review.

What an utterly delightful read with a main character, Paul, whom you will fall in love with. Even during some of the sadder points in the story, you can't help but see how these events shaped Paul and the memories he held so fondly.

The book tells the story of a boy as he grows into a man and his relationships with his family, friends and wife over the course of his life. At a young age he is different from the rest, more empathetic and a dreamer who always sees the good of things, and often ridiculed by the people he craves recognition from for it.

As a young boy his life is spared by a solider whom he makes a promise to, and throughout the course of the book his experiences and stories with the other characters lead him through his attempts at keeping this promise.

The first chapter describing his birth sets the tone for the book and the author wrote it in such a beautiful way that you can't help but keep reading.

My favorite passage from the book:
"He understood from an early age that we all carry good and evil within us, like two suitcases which we fill as we please....humanity is built upon a strange contradiction that manipulates us from the shadows. He preferred to nurture the light rather than seek refuge in the darkness."