A review by yoteach87
Lock Every Door by Riley Sager


Another Predictable Story-line with an Incredible Finish

One-Sentence-Summary: A young woman gets a too-good-to-be-true job opportunity when she is paid to apartment sit at an historically creepy housing complex.

5 Star Score: 2/5
10 Star Score: 4/10

I struggle with giving this a two or three star rating, and I imagine I'll come back to it and re-rate it when I've given it some more thought. For starters, this is better than Sager's debut and most famous book "Final Girls." That book suffered from some weird subplots and awful characters. This time the protagonist is more fleshed out and the supporting characters are more memorable, though flat as usual. As with most thrillers, the first 75% or so is your typical rise of action and red herring after red herring. I knew the bad guy was a bad dude fairly early on, as their contrast with the rest of the cast was almost obvious, if abrasive. However, I will say the ending was well done. Some thrillers will squander the last act and hope all you care about is the twist. While the twist here is more obvious, the final act is an engaging read.

Genre: Suspense, lite horror
Format: Kindle Version & Audible Audiobook