A review by tayslibrarybooks
A Crack in Everything by L.H. Cosway


A Crack in Everything (Cracks Duet, #1)
2.5 stars

'Because I can only see my dreams clearly when I look through you first

I had no idea what I was getting myself into when I started this book. The synopsis is very vague and I wasn't sure if that vague-ness would carry over into the actual prose. Unfortunately, A Crack in Everything seemed to suffer from an identity crisis.

Set in a low-income housing block in Dublin, Ireland, the novel follows Evelyn - known as Ev - through her final year of college. While it is categorized as a romance novel, it can also be read as a coming of age story.

I had two main problems with A Crack in Everything: first, that Cosway tells so much throughout the story. Instead of showing us scenes where Evelyn falls in love with Dylan, it is told to the reader through paragraphs of exposition. There are moments of good prose, but those are overshadowed by the clunky way that the story unfolds.

The second problem
Spoilerwas Cosway's implementation of the 'kill the gays' trope. With the death of Evelyn's best friend Sam, it only served to create growth for Ev and tension for her and Dylan's relationship rather than actually to center around Sam.