A review by bookisheverafter
I Think I Love You by Auriane Desombre


We all picked this book up because of the gorgeous cover. I am no exception. I have to admit my expectations were quite high. And unfortunately, I was disappointed.
The only character in this book that didn't totally annoy me is Myrah. Emma kept whining about how love is sooooo amazing, but she can't find anyone and will die alone. I found her kinda self focused, like everything revolved around her, while all Sophia did was say that love is stupid and it doesn't exist. They are set on to opposite edges of the scale and it felt too extreme.
The book started really fun, but the longer I read the more bored I was. Somehow it was both too much drama and not nearly enough.
Two stars - one for the cover and one for the sapphic representation, the only things worth remembering about this book.