A review by kandicez
Becoming Duchess Goldblatt by Duchess Goldblatt


I read this on recommendation of a friend who has yet to steer me wrong. This was excellent. I really didn't know what to expect going in, and I don't tweet, so I am very unfamiliar with the Duchess. I was, I mean. Now I love her.

This is the story of a woman who suffers great pain and loss. She takes on a different persona and makes "friends" online, but not in the usual way. She is encouraging and witty. Kind and wise. It seems that if the author took the Duchess's advice she would be much better off. The Duchess tells the world, 140 characters at a time that each and every one of us is worth something. We can DO IT, whatever our IT might be. All while cracking her followers up.

Over the course of years The Duchess makes some real life friends, including Lyle Lovett. All I knew about him before I read this was his short marriage to Julia Roberts. He too seems like a lovely soul. A wonderful human being that simply happens to be famous.

I came away from this little book with a smile and hope. Some confidence I maybe didn't have last week and the belief that if we never push others down to raise ourselves up, we can all rise up together. It may sound a bit sappy, but it's a message we should all hear and take to heart.

Thank you, Your Grace.