A review by jaime_fiction_fangirl
Fire Down Below by Debra Anastasia


This is a giant fucking joke right?!? Is this a way for authors to punk us bloggers into sounding like complete idiots?
This book was awful. The fart jokes and genital talk were juvenile at best and were in abundance. This book made me cringe more often than smile but somehow I still couldn't stop reading it!!
How did I fall in love with these characters....how?!?! Why did I NEED to know how this played out? Why do I need more?
A reader today asked me if I recommend it. My reply was as follows:
With good conscience I cannot recommend this to anyone....but it's definitely worth a go. There is no way to explain this other than no, just, no....go read it now. Does that even make sense?!? It's awful and horrible but it's so good. This is not helping.
I'm actually really, really looking forward to the next book. I need to know if Duke is the man I want him to be and if Johnson is something completely different than I thought he was throughout the story.
I'm not sure if I should be praising Debra Anastasia for her brilliance or cursing her for all the ick I feel after reading this book.

*I received an ARC from the author in exchange for an honest review