A review by ssejig
Cold Pursuit by Carla Neggers


There are a LOT of people in this book and many of them factor in the other two books in this series, so rather than a regular synopsis, I'm including a list of characters. There may be some mild spoilers so I'm hiding them. The thing to remember is that this is a well-written book well worth reading (and re-reading)
Drew Cameron-The patriarch of the family, his death, from hypothermia on the mountain he loved, sets off the series of events that follow.
Jo Harper-a Secret Service agent who was caught on tape giving the Vice President’s youngest son what-for after a prank gone wrong. She is back in Black Falls, Vermont to hide out until the dust dies down, and to figure out why Drew Cameron left his cabins to her and not his three sons or daughter. He was the one that had caught her and Elijah in the cabins fifteen years before causing the breakup of their relationship.
Elijah Cameron- Green Beret back from Afghanistan, he doesn’t seem averse to renewing the relationship. He's been letting Norah
A.J. Cameron-Elijah’s brother and owner of the local lodge with his wife Lauren and their two kids.
Norah Asher- Eighteen-year-old daughter of a prominent D. C. politician, her stepfather (her father’s best friend, it’s repeated over and over that it was astonishing that they stayed friends after Ambassador Bruni and her mother had an affair and subsequently divorced their spouses to marry) is the man who’s been killed. She wonders whether she might be the next target. She fell in love with Vermont and is taking a year off from college to experience “real life.”
Thomas Asher-Norah’s father. He’s sort of a big-wig who was supposed to be meeting Ambassador Bruni when the man got run over. He doesn’t know what their meeting was for but instinctively hid the fact that he was there.
Melanie Kendall-Engaged to Thomas Asher, she hasn’t won the affection of Norah. She has some pretty big secrets of her own.
Kyle Rigby-Friend of Melanie
Spoilerwho is a hitman and has partnered with Melanie for the past year for a lucrative time killing

Devon Shay-Eighteen-year-old, Black Falls native. He’s involved with Norah Asher and suspected of taking money from around town.
Charlie O’Neal-The vice president’s genius, sixteen-year-old son. He’s been doing some research of his own and poking his nose into events as well.
Mark Frankona- Jo's (former?) boss at the Secret Service. Seems to have his pulse on everything that's going on but keeps most of it to himself.
Ryan ‘Grit’ Taylor-Former SEAL who lost a leg and his friend Moose (who still hangs around) in the same firefight that Elijah got shot. He’s helping Elijah dig up information on the Ambassador’s death.
Myra Smith-a fiftyish(?) reporter who used to be an excellent war reporter but has fallen into the bottle. She has glommed onto Grit and seems to know more than she is sharing.
Lowell and Vivian Whittaker-own the property where Norah is staying. They were friends with Alex Bruni and Norah’s mother. They also invited Norah and her father to stay at their guesthouse, a stay which prompted Thomas meeting Melanie.