A review by abooknook
Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo


Please bear with me as this is my first actual book review.
There are three major things that go into a good book for me (there are a few more, but a bit more minor)
These are not in order:
1. A good plot
2. Good characters
3. Good writing
First off, I found the plot of Shadow and Bone interesting and I found it well-developed. It was slow at the beginning, but it slowly progressed to be fast paced. I enjoyed this because often, especially in YA, a book will start slow, but then we are hit with how quickly it turns around. One thing that probably affected this was I was spoiled before I read the book that
Spoiler The Darkling is bad
. That entire scene reminds me of (ironically) Prince Caspian, mainly because
Spoiler There is a tutor warning the MC about the danger, and Ben Barnes (who plays both Caspian and The Darkling, so the roles were switched up a bit.
I liked the idea and can't wait to see what lies ahead.

Now for the characters. I liked some of the characters, but I found most of them unlikeable or annoying. My least favorite character is probably Ivan, but my favorite character so far is Genya. I found Alina equally annoying and relatable, so I am hoping for some growth later on. Mal is an interesting character, and though he is slightly aggravating, he is better for Alina in the love triangle, though I still don't know if I ship them.

Now for the writing, I did touch on it a bit above, though I found nothing special about it.

1 B word
Several slightly detailed kissing, one very detailed kiss, mentioning of doing "it".
Mentions of drinking/getting drunk
Use of magic, though it is not entirely considered magic in this world, I find their system similar to Red Queen
Otherwise, it was good and I plan to finish the Grishaverse.