A review by allieginn
The Kind Worth Saving by Peter Swanson


Richard Kimball is a bad & boring protagonist to follow. Think I would have enjoyed this a lot more if it had been mainly from Lily's POV, but we don't get that until probably over halfway through the story.

 I appreciated the Stephen King references (especially since one of our antagonists is so clearly a re-tread of Brady Heartsfield that I felt like I was re-reading Mr. Mercedes at times), but beyond that this was a very Fine thriller. 

I am down for a murdering duo, but I needed it to be sexy or something. The dynamic was frankly boring! They were exciting when they were planning murders together but like. That was it. 

Also, Lily's relationship with her parents kept pissing me off. I think this would not have been an issue had I not literally finished re-reading The Kind Worth Killing earlier today, but like. She does not like her parents in that book, but suddenly here they're two of the people she cares the most about? Felt dishonest to the character.

It was giving recent Peter Swanson mediocrity. Nothing offensively bad, but did not give in the way I wanted it to. This book had like no sauce compared to The Kind Worth Killing.

Anyways, the whole reason that I read this is because I bought A Talent for Murder before realizing it was connected to this series, so let's hope that one is good!