A review by dapper
The Uncommon Rider by Sarah Noffke, Michael Anderle


Disappointing. Mostly because I read the Liv Beaufont series and enjoyed the Sophia from that series. The Sophia in this one is different, which is weird since this series picks up exactly where the last one left off.

I’m disappointed that Sophia is *somehow* all of a sudden jaded, disenchanted and lacks any imagination. She was so easy going— go with the flow before. I always felt like Liv was mean-spirited a lot of the time (especially when insulting others looks) and loved how accepting Sophia was of things and beings she didn’t understand. It saddens me to see Sophia treating rudolf with the same level of disrespect as Liv while using him for his help and resources. She’s rude.

It blows my mind that this girl who grew up in a house that changed around her and expertly explored a library that shifted around you has SUCH trouble comprehending the castle and how everything isn’t as it seems. Especially because the main theme is that the castle takes you where you need/want to go which is the same mechanics as the library.

Lastly, I’m over the amount of times the same concept needs to be explained to this supposed prodigy before she understands.

This is basically Liv2.0 but I do appreciate that the quips aren’t as plentiful in this book..