A review by lucy_rain_and_cupcakes
Surrender the Sky by Meradeth Houston


Gabe isn't your typical high school girl, in fact, she isn't a human at all. Gabe is one of the Sary that look after the troubled mind. When her current assignment gone wrong, she was sure that she will lose her wings and become a mortal. Then the heir of Sary arrived, not only Gabe isn't going to lose her wing, but she might have an even bigger problem then losing her wings.

Imagined one of your high school classmate was actually a Sary, and she was sent to help prevent someone from your class to hurt themselves, and those around him. That's Gabe's latest assignment, though it didn't turn out the way she have hope to be, she did save tons of people that day. Just not her assignment.

This book did not wasted anytime and dive straight into action from the beginning. (although, I did find out after I finished this book, that this book is part of a series) I was hooked from page one, and immediately draw to the story and characters. I really enjoy the concept of this new Angelkind, where their existent is to help the trouble minds.

Overall I enjoy reading Surrender the Sky, Gabe is a kind Sary that will do what she can to prevent tragedy, even if it means to sacrifice herself. It was interesting to learn that having feeling for another Sary was consider a taboo among the Sary. Gabe's attraction for Jessen gradually straighten throughout the book, and it turn out Jessen have noticed her long ago but because of his position, he couldn't express nor he planned on acting on them.

I would like to read more about Bea and Nathan, since they were secondary characters, the book didn't really talk about what's going on between them and what will happen now he is staying permanently. I imagined things are going to change in the Sary society, and wonder how much will Gabe impact in the new change.

I requested to read this book via NetGalley, was approved and received eARC via NetGalley and the publisher.