A review by wanderjas
Disorientation, by Elaine Hsieh Chou


Is this a campus novel? Yes, but nope? Because it's so much more!

In 'Disorientation', we follow a PhD student, Ingrid struggling to finish her dissertation on the famous Chinese American poet - Xiao-wen Chou. She isn't particularly interested in this topic, but was persuaded by her advisor. Later, she found a bizarre note in her archive, which leads to a rabbit hole and uncovering the truths (which I'm not gonna spoil you about)

This novel addresses different issues with full-on satire. There are Asian fetishization, examination of academic institutions, sexism, and expectations towards specific gender roles as a woman, a wife and a friend. Some parts are clever and hit right on the spot. Some parts are kinda silly and over the top. However, it doesn't stop being tip-top (see the rhyme?