A review by pixiejazz
A Garden Fed by Lightning by Marshall Moore


A Garden Fed by Lightning is a fascinating collection of short stories ranging from only slightly odd to full-blown horror. There's definitely a story that will appeal to everyone.

There were a few stories that I felt a little indifferent about. They were good, and there was nothing wrong with them, but they didn't give me the same "oomph" of emotion I got from certain other stories.

I also am having a hard time figuring out my absolute favorite. Fetch, the very first story, was really well-done. It was strange and exciting, and I kind of wish I had my own little doggy in the corner of my computer screen, assisting me in some not-so-normal ways.

Underground is probably the most terrifying, for me at least, because minotaurs are scary as all get out. I've always been afraid of strange things as a kid: sheep, goat, deer. Minotaurs sort of have that vibe going on, and the thought of coming face-to-face with one and realizing the horrifying truth behind why they're in your city is just...no.

There were also a couple of stories — A Balloon Party and The Platinum Scalpel Society — that made me go, "Uh...what just happened?" That's a good thing, by the way. Those stories are crazy and fascinating.

Overall, I really enjoyed A Garden Fed by Lightning, and I would definitely read more by this author. Especially short stories, as I am a sucker for a really well-done short horror story. It's why I prefer Stephen King's anthologies over his actual novels.

If you're a reader looking for something different, but in the same vein as Stephen King's short stories, check out Marshall Moore. This may have been my first book by him, but I thoroughly enjoyed it.