A review by ravenclaw_princess913
Ring of Solomon by Aden Polydoros


Title: Ring of Solomon 
 Author: Aden Polydoros
 Genre: Middle Grade
 Main Character: Ash, Zach, and Sandra
 Donate or Keep? Donate
 1st read or reread? 1st read
 Rating: ☆☆☆☆ 

Review: "The Ring of Solomon" by Aden Polydoros had a slow start but started picking up halfway through around the scene where the guy steals the Ring of Solomon and pushes Zach into the lion's pen at the zoo. I really loved it once it got intresting I wasn't able to put it down. I also love the cover it's really pretty and fits the story well. 

Quote: "So, apparently, as the Inquisitors were hunting down people, the knights of the apocalypse were searching for biblical relics. Not just the Ring of Solomon, but also the Ark of the Covenant, the Staff of Moses, Holy Grail, and others." This quote is important in the story. The knights of the apocalypse is the group the zoo guy is in and they are the bad guys.