A review by bethgiven
Start.: Punch Fear in the Face, Escape Average, and Do Work That Matters by Jon Acuff


The author was a guest on the podcast I listen to, and I loved his exuberant and upbeat attitude. That is something that definitely comes through in this book -- his energy just leaps off the page! Acuff is a great writer with lots of great stories that kept me engaged through the whole book.

The mediocre rating, then, is more of a reflection of me as a reader -- I just had a hard time applying a lot of what he said to my own life. While Acuff claims this advice applies to everyone, most of the examples centered around being an entrepreneur -- something I have no desire doing. I'm a mom and my own version of "awesome" is a much more anonymous work.

Also: can I even ask this? Is there such a thing as *too* much awesome? I can't get on the Internet without coming across reminders like "don't forget to be awesome" or "when I'm sad, I stop being sad and start being awesome instead." I used to smile at these, but I think this book put me on "awesome" overload! I get that it's trendy, but my ninth-grade English teacher would tell me to pick another adjective! (This is directed more to the Internet as a whole, not the author.)

Okay. All that said, there are a few things that stuck with me:
~ It takes 10,000 hours to master a skill ... so keep working and practicing. It's okay to not be perfect right away!
~ After the stage of "learning" comes the stage of "editing" -- you don't have time to do everything, so choose the best things.
~ Claim thirty minutes a day to work on your dream. (Acuff advocates for 5am. I have a five-month-old that I nurse in the night, so it's not practical for me to go write at 5am, but I do get what he's saying. I thought the study about willpower in the morning was interesting, and now I understand why I find it infinitely easier to tidy the kitchen in the morning rather than at night!)
~ It's okay if you don't feel like you know exactly what your "purpose" is. Move forward toward good things and you'll discover it as you go.

If you're looking for a kick in the pants to get going on a project (or on life in general), this is a good book to help you get motivated!