A review by kelreadsanything
Godlings and the Gates of Chaos by Luke Jackson


I really enjoyed this! It seems like a fresh take on all the ancient Greek or Norse retellings I've seen but with gods from all over included. At the end of the story, the author included character sheets with background on the main characters, their powers, and what type of gods they were. You have Diana the Roman goddess of the hunt, Chaac a Mayan god of ruin, Ra the Egyptian god of the sun, Tiamat a Babylonian goddess of destruction, Dionysus the Greek god of merriment and trickery, Nemesis the Ethiopian goddess of retribution, Brokkr the Norse blacksmith to the gods, and a handler of the team, Master Allira Shima, who reminds me of M from James Bond.

The art style reminds me of a lot of my favorite superhero comics so of course I loved it. The coloring used throughout is perfectly vivid and bold.

The story moved quickly and the team already faces their first big villian - who doesn't go down with out a fight! I can't wait to see what the godlings get into next!

I received this as an ARC from #NetGalley, but all opinions and reviews are my own!