A review by moochan
Our Way by TL Swan


I loved it at first. Nathan was my dream guy, and the author really made you root for him. Eliza is insane. Nathan literally told her that he was in love with her so many times, and that his past didn’t define his current feelings. He told her he was Pan and that he loved the soul, not the gender. But she’s too stuck in her head and her dumb friend’s doubts that she doesn’t hear or believe him.

Her friends are the worst by the way. They give garbage advice and always doubt Nathan, despite seeing how much he’s cared about her over the years. How can they doubt him when ten years have gone by with him being faithful?

It just seems like the two have the same fight over and over again. I think they should just try to go back to being friends, who have sex occasionally. And it wasn’t fair for Eliza to get mad at Nathan for texting his ex because she never had a problem with it before. Their relationship didn’t need to change as much as it did. They could’ve kept their original sleeping arrangements and habits until they tested the water. It just irks me that Eliza is willing to listen to everyone else except for Nathan regardig their relationship. She literally trusted a man she’d just met, that she literal only spent one evening with, over what Nathan had been telling her.

Nathan isn’t a saint either. He gets really upset over the simplest things, and it makes no sense. He’ll get super jealous and angry? And then start throwing things like a child. He threw his phone, came into the kitchen and started breaking dishes. There’s really nothing short of death that warrants that type of behavior. Go to the gym and work it out or something. Seriously. And he was mad that she didn’t believe he was over his boy toy, but then when Eliza was talking to Henry, he didn’t trust her to be alone with him or make reasonable decisions. When she’s done nothing to imply she wouldn’t. He’s super controlling and literally doesn’t trust her, and that’s annoying.

They both get mad that they had sex with other people...when they weren’t together. Like...Nathan having sex with a woman before Eliza literally wouldn’t matter.

The sex scenes were great. They were brilliantly written.

I really don’t root for either of the characters, but maybe that’s what the author wanted.