A review by raelovestoread
A Madness of Sunshine by Nalini Singh


I enjoyed this. A competent thriller set in an atmospheric cove. A missing girl, a whole village-full of awful menfolk, a couple of spiky central characters with baggage who can't wait to get it on... the elements were all there.

This book took me back to my early 20s when I'd just rediscovered reading and was reconnecting with the world of books through a sequence of mediocre-to-excellent thrillers. I liked the out of the way setting, the introduction of plenty suspects and the short, choppy chapters.

It took a while for things to get going. There was a lot of procedural searching at the beginning that didn't yield much juicy clue-age and I found most of the characters to be a bit two-dimensional. I found myself wavering between 3 and 4 stars right to the end.

What swung it for me was the fact that the ending I had thought up in my head and was expecting was more exciting and twisty than the actual ending. It wrapped up OK, but felt like a bit of a let down.

Still, not a bad first thriller.