A review by lenoreo
Pure Bliss by Sophie Oak


This one was good, but not as good as the others have been. I feel like I'm left wanting a lot. We didn't get quite the same amount of fun and humour. It was there, but just not up to the previous books. I think I really hated that James was knowingly hurting Hope by being a stubborn idiot. Most of the other guys were also stubborn, but they didn't necessarily know that what they were doing was hurting the girl. And I just wanted more. More fun-loving James. More about Noah, seeing him with animals. It was like him being a vet was just a side thing, and as someone who loves animals I was excited to read about a vet hero.... I kept thinking he would help with Red. Just, anything more. Not enough. Or maybe I wasn't in the right mood. Who knows. It just seemed more formulaic than the previous books I've read by Ms. Oak. Maybe I need an Oak break.