A review by faithreadsfic
Hello Stranger by Katherine Center

Overall, I really enjoyed my time with this book. At times, it felt like there were too many different things going on, but even yet, the story chugged along at a quick and steady pace throughout the entirety of the book. I really adored the main character. I loved how much I learned about painting, and about face-blindness. The MMC was precious as well. There were a few things I didn’t care for, but I read this in just a few sittings and really enjoyed my time - so that makes it a good book in my eyes. Also - a HUGE plus for me is that it was “closed-door”. Meaning, no spice! Which I really appreciate and will be recommending to many friends solely with that in consideration. I’m excited to read other books by this author. I’d highly recommend this one when it gets released!

I also want to urge readers to read the Author’s Note and Acknowledgements at the end. Worth it. (I always think reading the Author’s Notes and Acknowledgements are worth it) but especially these!

This book is a perfect dose of hope and happiness. Felt like a hug.

(Thank you NetGalley for providing me with an advanced copy. )