A review by marinazala
My Tiger Mom & Me by Angela Tung


** Books 268 - 2016 **

3,6 of 5 stars!

This books is an compilation story about children and their tiger mom. Long time ago i have read [b:Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother|9160695|Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother|Amy Chua|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1347794294s/9160695.jpg|14039744] that how she raising her daughters with chinese parenting style that kinda too strict and scary for me. When i saw this books i already have what kind story the children will told is.

My favorite story? I am sad when i read One Missed Call from Ernie Hsiung when his family cannot accept that he is an gay

"If an Asian Kid's self worth is judged by the approval of their Tiger parents, I had failed wholeheartedly. While my father would disagree, being gay hasn't been a choice, and therefore. I would never be able to get the approval of my dad. And besides, he no longer trusted me, opening up my mail to make sure it did'nt come from Bad friends. All the math problem sets, piano playing and computer skills would never fix it"

"It is what it is : My father is the aging Chinese Commander, and I will forever be the obedient first son. But as far as forgiveness - these things take time"

Thankyou Bookmate!