A review by mees_grows
True Nature by Willow Madison


I was given a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review, provided by the Author through the BDSM group on goodreads

First, I want to acknowledge that I went into this book knowing that there was "Dark discipline" as described by the author, was a part of the story.

There is a vast difference between "Dark Discipline" and abuse.
Abuse is done in anger, that is the defining line for me. Within the BDSM community acts should be "Safe, Sane, and Consensual". None of these things were present in the scene where Max slapped Lucy repeatedly. He committed the act while angry. This is also not appropriate, all discipline should be done as a part of the act in a consensual manner that adds to the sexual experience.

The second thing that disturbs me is the attempts of Max to isolate Lucy from her support system and job. Ordering her to take the day off work after he hit her so that others can't see her bruises. This is screams abuse to me and not BDSM.