A review by anju_
Brotherless Night by V.V. Ganeshananthan


"Brotherless Night" is an immersive and incredibly moving novel. It tells the story of the Sri Lankan civil war through the perspective of Sashi, a medical student from Jaffna. I realize just how powerful first-person narratives and fiction are after reading this book. As someone who is a part of the Tamil diaspora, I have heard fragments of this story before. Nevertheless this was a very difficult read. This book transported me to back to Sri Lanka in the 1980s and made me think deeply about politics and war, it made me cry and even have nightmares. I love how Ganeshanathan does not write in black and white but instead chooses to explore the gray areas. I'm glad this book exists and I hope it reaches a wider audience.

Other cool observations:
The book expands on characters like 'Sir' who was referenced in Ganeshanathan's first novel "Love Marriage." Also, like "Love Marriage" many characters are doctors allowing Ganeshanathan to contrast the discipline of medicine with the damages of war. There are characters who appear to be semi-fictionalized versions of Thileepan and Rajani Thiranagama.

The breaking the fourth wall aspects of thr narration reminded me of The Book Thief.