A review by fdemey
The Internet Con by Cory Doctorow

challenging informative fast-paced


After Chokepoint Capitalism, this is another must read book on Big Tech and the sorry state of affairs we are putting our internet, our (creative) economy and our society in.

I fully endorse Cory's main message: we should not allow privately held companies, unchecked by Democratic oversight, to get too powerful a hold over our society. We should break up monopolies and change the laws that give them undue power. We should be reclaiming the internet and our freedom of choice.

So I am convinced of the importance of technological independence. I have been for years, avoiding the GAFAs of this world by using open source alternatives and/or paying (local) solution providers. Then why didn't I give a 5 star rating?

There are of course things to like: I do love the main message, and I totally dig the narration. Cory does an excellent voice job. I also think he presents his ideas in very accessible, no frills language, uses examples where suitable and, especially in the first part of the book, builds up compelling arguments.

What I like a bit less: 1. The second part of the book, seems a collection of idea pitches put together, without thorough argumentation and without a clear concluding chapter. These could have worked better if this part of the book had had a little more attention, time, and love. Now, the book seems to end mid air (and as a result makes a belly flop). 2. I think there should have been more references to sources, although I am puzzled how to do this in an audio book. 3. Cory might have brought his interpretation of the EU situation with more nuance. 4. I am not sure the book managed to strike the right tone of voice to truly convince avarage Joe who uses big tech for his own convenience and does not see harm in their excessive power.

This latter is my main point of improvement for Cory: I am in Cory's camp and (towards the couple of last chapters) even I sometimes thought  "doesn't this sound paranoid and conspirationalist"? Isn't this too fringe an opinion? Will he manage to convince anybody? I am not sure it carries the seed and fertilizer for the change to happen. But I will surely support him and recommend "The internet con" as food for thought to anybody who should develop a less one-sided view on the currently ruling big tech giants.

Looking forward to more work of Cory's on this important topic!