A review by emilyrainsford
It's Not a Cult by Lauren Danhof



This was a very odd book. Essentially the main character is trying to rescue her mother from an increasingly sinister cult. The main character was EXTREMELY unlikeable. Like, she was a real B. And yet somehow I found the story compelling enough to continue reading. Towards the end it becomes almost thriller-ish with an action-filled climax.

The hardest part of this book for me was how awful the main character was. It was hard to root for her. Other characters would tell her what a self centred B she was and I got the sense we were meant to feel outraged on her behalf? But in fact I was like... um yeah, they're right?

Somehow her personal issues were meant to make it understandable for her to treat other people like absolute garbage and I just couldn't find any sympathy for her.

The story was interesting and different though. Just an odd reading experience overall.