A review by darusha
The Burglar on the Prowl by Lawrence Block


Reading Lawrence Block is like coming home for me, and the Burglar books are like coming home to a warm cup of coffee and a snuggly blanket. A stolen coffee and blanket in someone else's home, but that's neither here nor there.

They all have the loveable rascal Bernie getting in some scrape tangentially related to his vocation as a burglar, but convoluted plots aside, it's Block's witty dialogue and setting description that make the books a joy to read. Burglar on the Prowl follows the formula well, with Bernie moving into the modern world somewhat. There are even references to Google and instant messaging, but the story is a classic Bernie Rhodenbarr.

While I prefer Block's Scudder novels (more, please!) and the Keller stories, sometimes a Burglar book is perfect, when you need something light and fluffy but still infused with a healthy dose of moral ambiguity.