A review by katiegilley
Creatures of Passage by Morowa Yejidé


3.5 stars, rounded up to 4. This is a difficult book to write about. Going into it, you might want to do a bit of research about the Egyptian gods, Nephthys and Osiris, the twin siblings this book centers around. This is set in the 70s in the foggy outskirts of Washington DC and is full of supernatural activities that were unsettling, to say the least.

This was a difficult book to read, full of trigger warnings: child abuse and neglect, violence, drug and alcohol abuse. It was uncomfortable to read and showed the United States' vast chasm between the haves and have nots. It was written almost as if the author was in a dream and boy, did she take us on a journey.

I keep making a comparison between the characters in this book and another on the Women's Prize Long List this year: The Paper Palace. In both books, children are neglected and abused. But for the young children in this book, the consequences are much more dire. Again - we are not on an equal footing in the United States. Not by a long shot.