A review by lautir
State Tectonics by Malka Ann Older


I'm sad to be done this trilogy D: And sad that Older left so much morality open to a readers choice when I wanted to be shown the good and true way of privacy/surveillance/transparency. But I guuuuuesss I can try to form my own opinions.

I'm happy with this as a conclusion to the series, but I do still very much enjoy the first installment, but I think I'm partial to it because it just felt so inspiring and unique in both it's depictions of technology as well as democracy.

There were a few lose pieces character-wise that I feel could have been explored more, especially since they were hinted at as early as the first book. Feels like there is more to tell for lots of the side characters, which is what makes me sad about the trilogy being over. But the central story gets told, and I'm still grappling with the conclusion. It's one that I think will linger with me, since I'm a touch disappointed with the way things ended politically. But it did seem like the natural path of the story.