A review by haia_929
Persephone the Phony, Volume 2 by Joan Holub, Suzanne Williams


This is a trimmed down version of my review, to view the full review visit The Book Ramble.

I enjoyed this book a smidgen more than the previous book. This book follows Persephone as she tries to find her own place in the academy, a place that isn't dictated by her mother or her friends. She meets Hades who is pretty unpopular and they form something of an unlikely friendship. Persephone finds Hades's world fascinating because she is the bringer of life and he brings death. This pairing is my absolute favourite of all time, and I really liked how Holub and Williams handled the pair this time. There were some great nods to the original story with mentions of pomegranate and abductions. I also liked the mother-daughter relationship in this.

I found the characterization a little more on point this time than the previous book. I liked how Persephone developed into a stronger character by the end of the book, but I still found her to be something of a pushover. Athena was definitely better written in this book as she was wiser, more interested in her studies, and a lot closer to how I would envision her from the myths. Hades was my favourite character in this. He pretty much always is. He had that kind of mysterious, bad boy allure at first sight, but then you find out more about him and he's really just trying to be responsible for his realm and people hugely misunderstand him. This was a lot better written in this book.

I think the story this time was a lot better, but still had some weird elements. The message was a lot more heavy handed which was kind of weird, but the characterization was a lot better.