A review by fernthepanda
Frozen 2: Dangerous Secrets: The Story of Iduna and Agnarr by Mari Mancusi


I received an eARC courtesy of Disney Press & NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.

I was so immensely excited to read this book and went into it with somewhat lofty expectations. Thankfully they were met. It was refreshing to get to know the origin story of the events of the Frozen movies and some of the motivations behind all of the kept secrets (Iduna hiding her past from Agnarr & the parents asking Elsa to conceal her powers). This backstory does help explain what seems like horrible decisions at first glance.

Everything about this, from the "awww" moments to the obvious villains makes this quintessentially Disney. I expected nothing less.

One note I feel like needs to made; Reading this story does make their deaths infinitely more painful.

For Libraries: You undoubtedly have huge Disney fans in your community who will LOVE this. Do them a favor and buy it!