A review by jaironside
Flat Earth News: An Award-Winning Reporter Exposes Falsehood, Distortion and Propaganda in the Global Media by Nick Davies


I won't go into too much detail because this is a book everyone should read, despite not being at all comfortable to look at. The proportion of news that is in fact inflated, exaggerated, recycled or just false is terrifying. Worse still is the amount of news that never gets reported when it deals with issues that the public really do need to be cognisant of. And it all comes down to money and by extension time - like so many things. I have found myself sifting news stories even more cynically than before having read this book. I've always been the sort of person who asks what someone's angle is but this really hammered home how much I still wasn't questioning. This is a very eye opening book. You should read it even if you don't feel there are holes in the news reporting media. It says a lot about how we have ended up in the political situations we in the West are in today (*cough* Trump, Brexit etc) and how that is down to the news being repackaged as entertainment rather than its primary function being to tell the truth.