A review by laurenjodi
Murder on Mulberry Bend by Victoria Thompson


Murder on Mulberry Bend
4 Stars

While the mystery is pretty predictable and it is easy to guess the culprit early on, the insights into the lives of immigrants in the notorious slums of New York city at the turn of the century are very compelling. Moreover, the ongoing relationship between Sarah and Malloy makes this an engaging addition to the series.

Sarah's desire to help the young girls at the mission is admirable, but her naiveté often has her misreading people and their motives. This leads her into trouble that could easily be avoided if she employed a little common sense.

Malloy is much more practical. Although his willingness to resort to violence is troubling, one cannot separate his actions from the circumstances of the time and place.

Malloy and Sarah have wonderful chemistry and it is entertaining to see their one step forward, two steps back romance. That said, it is about time for something to happen between them.

All in all, the Gaslight Mysteries is shaping into one of my favorite series. Looking forward to the next one.