A review by mysticslibrary
Dragonflight by Anne McCaffrey


Upon re-reading this I have lowered my score from 5/5 to 4/5. I feel like now that I am reading this as an adult (I read it the first time as a teenager), I have a different viewpoint. It is STILL a favorite of mine, and always will be, though.

That being said, there were a few things in the book that just didn't sit well with me this time around, mainly revolving around F'lar's treatment of Lessa. That is the only reason I lowered my score a bit. I am fully aware that this book was written decades ago and that things were different then, but that's the point. It just didn't age well.

I still plan on re-reading this entire series. I'm really curious if my opinion has changed on my favorites in the series.