A review by libs
Burning Bright by Helen Dunmore


Helen Dunmore is one of my mum's favourite novelists (the other being Barbara Trapido) and she raised me accordingly, with a steady diet of Dunmore's books for children. I wasn't allowed to read her books for adults though, and I kind of slowly forget I had ever wanted to. When she passed away earlier this month, my mum texted me asking if she could lend me her favourites of Dunmore's work - Burning Bright being the first of those.

Mostly, I really enjoyed it. Although the plot is arguably complex and dramatic, the way Dunmore writes makes it feel quite slow-paced. There's beautiful descriptions of things and a generally wonderful use of language. You can tell she's a poet too. Sometimes I wanted something more to come - a break from the calm prose - but it's a style she writes well in, so reading it is no hardship.