A review by booksbythecup
Ladysitting: My Year with Nana at the End of Her Century by Lorene Cary


Hearing the author speak at the DBF about her book compelled me to pick it up. I hadn't read any of her other books but I believe I will now. There was something like kismet in many of the things she said when discussing her book. But more importantly, I felt a level of understanding and rememberence when considering some of the ladysitting I've experienced with relatives. One of the hardest things we can do is to see someone we love sick. We love them and will sacrifice ALL to make sure they have the care they need. But when caregiving becomes our whole life, we must remember and remain vigilant in making our loved ones feel dignified and respected. Comforted. No easy tasks but the glimpses into Cary's time with her Nana are ones I won't forget. Grief is no easy thing and even after many years, we realize we are still coping with what we've stored (or tried to) away in a part of our minds, hearts and bodies.