A review by feelingferal
Cry Wolf by Patricia Briggs


This is what I wanted the Mercy Thompson series to be but it wasn't!! Where as Mercy's series is enjoyable enough but nothing too spectacular, and it lends itself to unfavorable comparisons to the Kate Daniels' series....this series captures the potential of this world. It has flavors of Anne Bishop's The Others series, but in decidedly positive manner. Some similarities that capture some of what I really enjoyed in The Others series, but different and unique enough to stand solidly on its own.

The characters are more interesting....the relationship dynamics are more interesting...the setting is more interesting....

I really really enjoyed this book and I am looking forward to the other ones of the series!

As a side note, one thing I have consistently found with Patricia Briggs' books is that she makes me want to visit the places the books are set in! I'm not entirely sure how she does it....It isn't flowery purple prose or anything of that sort...I just find myself wanting to plan road trips to the places in the stories. And if nothing else, the ability to make me set a book down and think "Man! I really want to go see The Dalles" is a pretty impressive skill.