A review by eternalcat
Heart of the Sun Warrior by Sue Lynn Tan


First, if you liked the first book, DO NOT READ THIS BOOK.

Second, do not read this book. Moving on.

I listened to the audio book so I apologize if I misspell any names.

This book is 480 pages, or about 13 hours long. It could have been half the length and it would have been the same story. There was TOO much description. I don't want or need to know the colors of the flowers, the many colors involved in every outfit (ex. he was wearing mossy green robes with golden dragons embroidered on them), the ingredient list for the all the dishes on the table and how long they cooked it for. That's a bit of an exaggeration, but there were so many descriptions that didn't add to the story or make me feel like I was there.

Xingyin was so interesting in the first book, her motivation made sense. Her actions and lies made sense. Her actions did not make sense in this book. I also didn't understand the love triangle. It was so manufactured and I didn't see any chemistry between Xingyin and the two love interests.

The rest is the spoiler for the rest of the book.

Spoiler I was also annoyed by the baddie - Minister Wu. He was so mean to Xingyin in the first book and she was like "is he being mean to me? I guess. Oh well. Moving on." Then she essentially forgets that he exists. If she used her gut instinct, a lot of the issues could have been avoided, but I guess a year of living at home on the moon with her mother stripped Xingyin of a lot of her sense.

Later on, toward the end of the book (maybe about 70% in) Wenzhi's (pronounced Wensha in the book) dad wanted them (Wenzhi and Xingyin) to marry in exchange for his help with defeating Minister Wu. Xingyin agreed begrudgingly. When she and Wenzhi were in private, he earnestly asked Xingyin to marry him. She said no and then almost immediately pivoted to the next topic asking Wenzhi for his help. If Wenzhi abandoned her, I'd understand. But I guess Xingyin is so ridiculous amazing, that even her scorned lover will help her.

The author assassinated Xingyin and Liwei's character traits in this book. Liwei literally did nothing in this book other than pine for Xingyin. All Xingyin did was think about how she couldn't give up her life to marry Liwei and be empress and also about how she didn't trust Wenzhi and would never forgive him.

Fast forward a bit to around 85% into the book. In the battle with Wu, Wenzhi dies and so does Xingyin but Xingyin's mom's tears bring her back to life. Xingyin then spends the next several years mourning Wenzhi and avoiding Liwei. In her internal monologue, Xingyin says she realized Wenzhi loved her when he died for her. Literally. And now that he's dead, she can't help but think of him fondly. Yet at the same time she refused to marry Liwei because she was not willing to live at the palace and be empress for him. But she expects her love interests, both of them, to give up everything for her.

After his death, Xingyin went to cloudwall to sense Wenzhi and that helped heal his consciousness and then Liwei, as emperor, sent him to the mortal realm with a chance to become immortal later on. Okay this girl did not deserve Liwei. Liwei said that for years Xingyin has been a shell of herself and he just wants her to be happy.

Xingyin then goes to the mortal realm and finds Wenzhi who now wears a different face/body and has no memories of her but feels like he might have met her. She plans to spend the rest of his mortal life dating him or whatever (book ends shortly after she meets mortal Wenzhi) until the immortality potion that Liwei promised her is brewed and she can make Wenzhi immortal again.

I was so angry that Liwei was tossed to the side. I didn't really buy the romance between Xingyin and Liwei but it was so much more believable than the romance between Xingyin and Wenzhi. They were not end goals. At best, they should have ended up friends.