A review by megwoman25
Gloam by Lily Mayne


MM Romance
Monster Fantasy End Of The World
2.5 stars rounded up ⭐️

It pains me to rate this so low because I love this series but this book bored me to death and I was so close to DNFing it but I didn’t want to miss anything important going into the next book. I didn’t hate this but it felt slow moving. For most of this book, Rig (Adam) is walking beside Gloam while he and the other two large beasties drag Mary & her RV through the wastes to her monster collection/home. Since there’s a cage on Gloam’s head, Rig & him communicate via a notebook when they stop for the night so a lot of this book is Adam’s inner monologue when traveling. I just never really warmed up to Adam for whatever reason so having the entire book in his POV except the last chapter made me even less interested in what was happening with his and Gloam’s relationship. I was so disinterested in their relationship that after the first few sex scenes, I skimmed them. My favorite part of these books is the monster anatomy and I had no desire to read the sex scenes??? WHAT!?

The world building and other characters were my favorite part and why I’m rating this higher than I should. The most interesting part of this whole book was the cannibal cult and I so hope we get more of that in the future because it was fucking interesting. How did all these humans start worshipping The Herald? I wanted more information because I find cults fascinating in general. I loved the reunion of the other characters and learning Edin was just outside the camp at the end? I was so excited because I love him. Knowing we are going back to the monster fights was even better because I felt like there were more stories to tell in that location. I was also invested in finding out about Seraph and wished we got to see the content in the rest of Mary’s journals instead of the sex scenes near the end. I can’t believe I’m saying these things!!