A review by jonetta
Blood on Silk by Marie Treanor


Elizabeth Silk is a Scottish academic working on her thesis about the lore of vampirism and what conditions fostered the "myths." While in Romania, she is manipulated into awakening an ancient vampire, Saloman, who has been stilled in a crypt for over 300 years. The story takes off at this juncture as Saloman seeks to avenge those who caused him to be in repose and to reassume the power he once had. Elizabeth becomes a pawn for so many who have a stake in the matter.

I fell in love with the story, Elizabeth and Saloman and had a hard time putting it aside. Elizabeth and Saloman have an unusual relationship to say the least and Treanor has crafted some of the most seductive writing I've come across in quite awhile. The interplay between them is written brilliantly and on point with the characters. The writing is really good, the pace is perfect, the characters are well defined and the leads are erotically sexy in a GOOD way:) The story is extremely interesting and unpredictable without being absurd. The vampire world is reminiscent of those of old so there are no gimmicks here, simply greed, jealousy, revenge and power struggles at play in a fascinating way. 

It's great that this is a series because I want more. Ironically, Elizabeth is called the Awakener but you can assert that Saloman served the same role for her just in a different way. Only someone as guileless as Elizabeth  could have intrigued Saloman so completely. 

Be forewarned...for fans of the Night Huntress series, this book has a scene in the Angel Club to rival Chapter 32. Enough said. I'm ready for the next book in the series.