A review by thomcat
Apex by Ramez Naam


This long book starts right where the second book left off, answers most of the questions from the series and explores new ground also. The scale is global, with a number of characters to match - like other reviewers, I got lost at times in this cast. A worthy ending to a solid series.

I read the first book right around the time the second came out - I think I had heard it was a duology? Anyhow, the second book did not come to a solid end, and by the time the third was available, I found myself unable to remember much about the story. Not a good sign.

For late 2022, I reread the first book and the second, and I think the reason was that global scope and the sheer number of characters and points of view. Book two also showed the stored personality of Su-Yong Shu, somewhat insane through lack of contact with a human brain. I think Naam is looking at this as the start of an AI, and explores that along with the rights of augmented humans. A lot to cover, and more than 600 pages to cover it. Overall rating of this book, 4 of 5 stars.

The math is simple for the series - three books rated 4 of 5 stars equals a series rating 4 of 5 stars. This is accurate - I really liked some of the characters, most of the situations and villains. The second book and definitely the third lost the thread of Nexus OS, with patches for vulnerabilities. I thought the series as a whole did a good job exploring the potential vulnerabilities with this situation - even if the MESH solution was mostly hand waving in the third book.

I look forward to reading more from local Seattleite Ramez Naam.