A review by amyiw
Forever: The World of Nightwalkers by Jacquelyn Frank


Just above 4 stars.
I received the book for free through Goodreads First Reads- required statement.

I'm so happy that I received this through one of those give away contest that I am always entering, as I just finished the first book Forbidden last month and loved it. I have read all of the Nightwalker books and just finished with the Shadowdweller trilogy, so far I'm am liking this part of the Nightwalker world better than both of those. And I really liked the Nightwalkers, the Shadowdwellers not so much.

So this book, the 2nd is about the King, Menes, or Jackson, who is Docia's brother from book one. It starts up 3 weeks after the first book ends. Jackson is hiding out in plain site, keeping himself on the police force, while trying to get the psychiatrist's attention. It starts out slowly and I would have liked Frank to have gone back to the day he died and start from there rather than have this slow build, while training his new dog and searching for missing persons. You really don't get to see the blending. Though later in the book you do get how they are working it out.

Finally, he is attacked and the story seems to start. Once it does, it is non-stop like the first book.

Jackson and Menes have chosen Marissa as theirs but whether she accepts it, and the world, and accepts that she will be a bodywalker also someday, is the main story. While this occurs, an over arching plot forms. A very evil entity is released and scrolls state that the 12 Nightwalker races will have to come together to defeat it. Well, we heard that in the prolog of book one so, not new. But how could 12 species come together when, one is fighting a civil war in itself?

Some of this is started and answered here but there is a lot left in the air. The main part of this book is the relationship and that is answered but the book left off in such a place that I feel I read only 1/2 of the story... or even less. I hope she writes several more and gets the other Nightwalkers involved soon. I am enjoying the overall story line and am very interested how they will come together with the other books.

So far I've heard of--
1- Demons
2- Druids (though they are extinct some humans can be decendant)
3- Shifters
4- Vampires
5- Mystrals (I'm going to have to re-read Demian to see if there are others mention in it)
6- Shadowdwellers

from this series
7- Bodywalkers
8- Djynn
9- Night Angels (yes, these are mentioned in this book and I have no idea what they are)

And if you add the two species that the others are not sure about but are mentioned you have-

10- Gargoyles (?)
11- Natural born witches (?)

If anybody has any other ideas, let me know.

At the end of the book there is a preview of the next book which looks like will be Leo and one of the gargoyles.

Enjoying the series. This book starts a little slower compared to the first book and leaves more up in the air at the end. Not enough to make me crazy, but enough that I want to read the rest of the series. Ah... too bad they aren't out yet or I would get them all to read.