A review by thrifty_librarian
Love Water Memory by Jennie Shortridge


A passable story about a woman who blacks out for six days and "reawakens" a new person. The novel tells the woman's quest to figure out who she was, who she is, and whether she belongs with the spineless stud bucket who picked her up at the psych ward.

The amnesia story is a cover for a gushy "Who am I really?" "I have a deep secret that makes me unlovable." "Why so serious?" narrative. The amnesiac's inner dialogue is so repetitive as to be pointless, and I still haven't figured out why her fiance liked her before the accident, when she was a cold, career-oriented robot.

The resolution to the mystery was even more far-fetched than it was satisfying.

Wait, where am I? What was the second star in my rating for? Have I always been someone who writes slightly catty reviews of perfectly decent novels?...