A review by mundinova
Jerusalem: The Biography by Simon Sebag Montefiore


“The history of Jerusalem is the history of the world.”

Montefiore should be congratulated for packing so much history into such a short book. At 650 pages, it skims and dances across 3,500 years of kings, wars, three major world religions, and the modern formation of Israel. Reading Jerusalem: The Biography is like drinking from a fire-hose: the information never stops and once you think things have settled down, everyone dies. It shows us that the craziest of Game of Thrones story-lines won't come close what really happened in Jerusalem's history.

This book was lent to me by my VP after a work trip to Tel Aviv. I went into it thinking I knew very little about Israel. I now know for certain I know very, very little about Israel.

Message/Argument: 4 stars
Prose/Language: 5 stars