A review by ldv
Beatrice and Virgil by Yann Martel


Weird. Not terribly captivating. Some elements similar to [b:Life of Pi|4214|Life of Pi|Yann Martel|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1266448756s/4214.jpg|1392700], like the prominence of animals, a metanarrative, shock. Not nearly as good, however.
What I don't get is the coincidence? of the taxidermist's seeking Henry out about a book/play that was so similar to Henry's own rejected flip book. Plus the coincidence of the taxidermist being in the same neighbourhood as Henry, but delivering the first letter through the publisher. That was strange.
I also didn't understand why some of the literary devices were over-explained, as if the reader would miss the point (like Burnam Wood coming to Dunsinane...was it necessary to explain that's from Macbeth?).