A review by mimosaeyes
The Hourglass Throne, by K.D. Edwards


This is the first time I'm not raving about a book in this series. Don't get me wrong - I like this a lot! There are too many reasons to name them all. But some of them include: Rune's found family court and allies (I love literally every one of them individually and together); the bond between Rune, Brand, and Addam especially; continued delving into his trauma and the fall of the Sun Court; casual non-binary and disability rep on top of the refreshingly non-heteronormative world established since the first book. Let's not forget a couple of nicely foreshadowed twists and very cool moments, like
SpoilerCiaran being revealed as the Magician, Brand singlehandedly taking down the Forerunner, and Flynn becoming Corbie's familiar

But my gods, the antagonist of this book is weak. Obviously, I don't mean in terms of her power; she has that in spades, and I could see that she posed a serious threat to Rune and co. I mean, she doesn't make for a compelling villain. From a quick glance at other reviews, I don't think this is a popular opinion, but there you have it. I didn't even hate her as a character - that would have made her a stronger antagonist - I just felt tired of reading about her.

I think this stems from two reasons. One: compared to Ashton and the Hanged Man (arguably the main antagonists of books one and two respectively), her ties to Rune's backstory aren't as immediate or visceral, and she doesn't have established dynamics with any of the Arcanum - necessarily since her existence was kept secret - so there isn't really much interpersonal tension in the conflict between her and the good guys. It's just woah, crazy lady keeps attacking us! Who knows who she is, but we've gotta stop her.

Two: she's so over-powered that she forces everyone to resort to using the Arcana Majeure a lot, which ironically reduces the impact of it. Yes, I'm aware of what it costs, because it's stated over and over again - and I do trust the author to portray the consequences of that down the road. But see, one of the things I loved about the first two books is how the sigil system created limitations that made fight scenes feel like they had real stakes and strategising. Rune always triumphs because he's learned to make do with the few resources he has. Whereas here, it's because he
Spoilerplays life-force chicken and wins
. It's a lot less satisfying.

Last note.
SpoilerI really don't like the reveal that Lady Time took Quinn's Sight. His precognition in terms of probabilities has been one of my favourite mechanics in these books. And it's such a big part of his personality and mannerisms - are you telling me my boi is no longer going to talk in messed-up tenses? I really hope this isn't permanent. (Whereas I'm way more sure Lord Tower's disappearance isn't the end.)

4 stars, but clinging on to the edge; it hurts my heart to think of giving a Tarot Sequence book 3 stars. Do note, however, that I may eat my words. I read this book while getting irregular and insufficient sleep because of work, so maybe my brain just isn't processing it well...