A review by ceena
Between Jobs by W.R. Gingell


I think someone told me that they enjoyed this series and the synopsis is weird enough that I had to pick it up. And wow for most of the book I was so confused -- most of what I've read has me confused, to be honest. Yet, I'm addicted to this series. I finished book 1 thinking "wtf did I read and do I really want to read more?" while immediately downloading and starting the next book. 3 days later I've caught up in the series and I"m dying for more.

There are so many questions I want answered still and depending on how things end this could be one of my favorite series. Characters are fantastic! I adore the pouty Korean vampire who is an asshole, but hilarious in the same breath. The characters are super interesting and I like them, which helps get me through confusing moments.

I cannot wait for this series to continue on!