A review by elegory
The Exclusion Zone by Shastra Deo


"A prophecy is only as good as it's seer, and no witness is ever on time."

What an incredibly original collection of poems! 'It Survives' reminded me of the browser game 'A Dark Room', which is interesting when the 'Notes' section is considered; it is learnt that many of the poems in this collection were inspired by games (the only one I recognised when reading was 'Lilac and Gooseberries' - an ode to Yennefer of Vengerberg, of course).

I really felt transplanted into the post-nuclear landscape of 'It Survives' for the duration of this book, like I really could picture the dusty, rugged land and feel the harsh wind whip my face. I also loved the sneaky links that only the pretty damn dedicated were rewarded with the knowledge of - and now rural Tasmania is on my bucket list.