A review by mon_ique
Swans Are Fat Too by Michelle Granas


Much too short!
Oo how sweet! I teared up a little at the end (excusez-moi) but the romance was believable, clean and really really sweet. On the other hand, there is a 15 year old who got pregnant by some married scum-man, and one descriptive paragraph of a voluminous but thin woman in contrast with Hania in the beginning, but everything else was pretty much fine. I liked how obesity is realistically portrayed here. It doesn't excuse the behavior and prejudice some people show to those who are obese, but this book doesn't flaunt obesity as something to be proud of (Hania actually loses some weight as she's too distracted with everything else going on to eat a bunch of bread and sugar).

I love when I book meets my expectations! (Although I really hated the whole 15 year old getting pregnant thing that was pretty obvious, but Hania was a little slow to get it) Plus, what horrible parents!!! This does not reflect well on Polish parents haha.
Maks was cute:)

P.S. Honestly? I skipped past some of the history stuff :-)